Friday, May 25, 2012

Agggg !!!

As said in the titleAggg! And why am saying aggg is that I have not written a post in a week !  I am very sorry for the non posting through this week I will try to post as much as possible. I would tell you about the beginning   of the week but right now it is just a haze. Well most days in the week Garrett comes over to our house and we play. We usually call Garrett our adopted  brother since he comes to our house so much.  And then yesterday I think the Sacran  girls came over and we had a funny time playing and other things. And later that night I went to my softball game and we won 15-2. I have decided to make every day as exciting as possible . Well I'd like to make this post long so I've decided to make a list of  things I'd like to do this summer ( most of the things I'll put on the list I more than likely won't even do.)

  1. Go ice skating (plausible.)
  2. Cover the hallway with butter then slide through it. ( plausible but my Mom will probably say no to that.)
  3. swim in a swimming pool of syrup.( plausible/not ever.)
  4.  get a shetland pony .( please please please be plausible.)
  5. Swim with dolphins.( probably not plausible.)
  6. Win a prize were for thirty minutes you go into walmart and get to keep every thing you fit into your cart.
  7. have a pet giraffe and elephant. ( not plausible)
Have a nice day! PTYL!

Monday, May 14, 2012

MY Baggilon Dollar book.

I had a wonderful week last week staying at everybody's house's  while Mom and Daddy were off doing stuff in New York . They said that they watched Phantom of the Opera and was right under the swinging chandler !Finally I convinced Mama to make a spelling bee for the end of the year how we do the spelling bee is that we get a piece of candy every time we spell a word correctly and get a piece of candy taken away when we misspell a word.
When I finish writing my baggilon dollar book I have decided that I will buy my friends and family something nice. Mamaw and Papaw have already decided on an island and Will get my birds a gigantic place for them to fly. Audery will Probably want a fashion store and probably a pet poodle. Michael will probably want a basketball gym. and Jacob might want a helicopter with a personal chauffeur. I'll buy me and Mama all the books we want and I'll get Daddy a sports car . All of you who are my friends and family please comment on  this post to tell me want you want when I make my baggilon dollar book. Me and Michael decided that our band name was going to be The Inspiration I already made a song for it unfortunately the boys have the attention spand of a gerbil .PTYL!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

FINALLY the second part to my guide to acronymns and what they mean to me.

GL- good luck
OT- off topic
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IDL- I didn't laugh
IDM-I don't mind
IMHO-in my humble opinion
AFK-away from keys
FYI- for your information
IDGI-I don't get it
Gq- good question
BTTY-be talking to you
PTYL-  post to you later
Finally its over whew that took long well I probably could have made it in one post bet I didn't have enough time. PTYL!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I have been reading The Little House on the Prairie books again and I was wondering if any of you have any books you think I might like. If you do then please comment the name of the book. Thank you!